Friday, February 20, 2009

Thin for Good or Pr cticas hol sticas para la salud

Thin for Good: The One Low-Carb Diet That Will Finally Work for You

Author: Fred Pescatore MD

Taking low-carb diets to a new level . . . a revolutionary new program for lifelong thinness from a rising star in the diet and nutrition world

The low-carb diet concept has taken America by storm with such runaway bestsellers as Sugar Busters, Protein Power, and Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution. Now in this groundbreaking book, nationally recognized weight-loss expert and media celebrity Dr. Fred Pescatore takes a quantum leap beyond Dr. Atkins and the other low-carb diets to provide readers with the first easy-to-follow, medically proven diet plan that includes a revolutionary mind-body prescription for lifelong thinness. Dr. Pescatore's amazing and satisfying program combines a much more balanced, appetizing, and responsible diet program that includes more complex carbs and healthier fats than the other diets with an ingenious mind-body plan that eliminates dieters' cravings by permanently altering their attitudes and emotional attachments to food.

  • The first low-carb diet to include a revolutionary mind-body plan including affirmations, self-evaluations, exercises, and an inspirational discussion of dieters' emotions and cravings
  • A healthier, tastier, more medically responsible weight-loss program than those found in competing bestsellers
  • Features weight-loss plans tailored to different stages of life and both sexes

Fred Pescatore, MD (New York, NY), was Associate Medical Director of the world-renowned Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine for five years before founding the prestigious Centers for Integrative and Complementary Medicine, based in New York and Dallas. He hosted the popular nationally syndicated weekly radio program Your Health Choices: The Friday Edition and now makes regular guest appearances on national television and radio programs, including ABC's The View, NBC's Weekend Today, and Canada's #1 TV talk show Canada AM and other programs on NBC-TV, Fox, and CBS-TV.

What People Are Saying

Carol Colman
Thin For Good offers an innovative approach to losing weight and keeping it off safely and effectively. Dr. Pescatore not only provides excellent information on what to eat -- he also sheds insight on the emotional aspects of eating which, if not understood, can sabotage even the best weight-loss efforts. The recipes are terrific, even if you're not dieting!
—( Carol Colman, New York Times bestselling coauthor of The Antioxidant Miracle, Shed 10 Years in 10 Weeksand Stop Depression Now)

Burt Berkson
Thin For Good combines sound nutritional advice with a resourceful mind-body approach to losing weight. Dr. Pescatore has tailored this book to those who want to stay lean and healthy for life. A must read!
—( Burt Berkson, M.D., Ph.D., coauthor of Syndrome X and author of The Alpha Lipoic Acid Breakthrough)

Table of Contents:

Interesting book: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or Ramy Gafnis Beauty Therapy

Pr?cticas hol?sticas para la salud: Medicina alternativa

Author: Kay Henrion

Una guía básica sobre la curación alternativa

Escrita por una enfermera certificada, esta obra le ofrece un punto de partida en la toma de responsabilidades sobre su salud. Aquí encontrará respuestas a sus preguntas sobre las aplicaciones de la meditación y la visualización, las dietas y las vitaminas, las hierbas, la homeopatía, los masajes terapéuticos, el proceso de envejecimiento, el SIDA e inclusive sobre la curación natural para sus mascotas. Contiene anécdotas y ejemplos de la misma autora y de sus pacientes.

Un acercamiento holísitico a la salud y el bienestarEscrito por una enfermera cerificada con años de experienciaIncluye instrucciones simples y prácticas sobre curación, métodos efectivos para perder peso, formas naturales para retrasar la vejez y mucho más.

Author Biography: Kay Hnrion (Florida) is an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner with more than 20 years experience in the nursing field. She currently works in a private practice and utilizes a holistic approach to healing.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Healing Digestive Disorders or The Savvy Senior

Healing Digestive Disorders: Natural Treatments for Gastrointestinal Conditions

Author: Andrew Gaeddert

Drawing on his own experiences with Crohn's disease, a leading herbal medicine proponent presents a carefully researched alternative treatment program -- based on digestive herbs, dietary supplements, and diet and lifestyle changes -- for people suffering from illnesses such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, colitis, heartburn, gastritis, bulimia, and cancer- or HIV-related digestive disorders.

Table of Contents:
Introduction to the second edition
Ch. 1My personal story1
Ch. 2Tips and affirming changes15
Ch. 3Natural therapies59
Ch. 4Symptoms and treatments105
Ch. 5Digestive clearing diet211
Ch. 6Workbook223
App. A : Recipes247
App. B : Commonly asked questions and answers251
App. CCommon acupuncture points used in the treatment of digestive conditions263
App. D : Additional formulas267
App. E : Resource guide279

See also: Liderança de Criatividade:Habilidades aquela Modificação de Passeio

The Savvy Senior: The Ultimate Guide to Health, Family, and Finances for Senior Citizens

Author: Jim Miller

A concise, helpful resource for seniors that covers topics from aging to investing and travel -- from the popular syndicated newspaper column of the same name.

"The Savvy Senior" is a nationally syndicated newspaper column that serves the growing needs of the senior population and the families who support them by providing useful information and valuable resources. The column and its companion website ( invite readers to submit their questions and then provide the readers with answers to anything and everything senior. While many of the questions focus on Medicare and Social Security, they also cover a wide range of topics, including hearing aids, telemarketing fraud, volunteerism, reverse mortgages, travel, education, wills, nutrition, and even employment.

Now for the first time, all the columns appear together, so that every senior can become "The Savvy Senior."

Jim Miller is the creator and writer of "The Savvy Senior" syndicated column. After his parents died, he started writing the column to help himself through the grieving process. Miller lives in Norman, Oklahoma, where he is well known as the stadium announcer for the University of Oklahoma's football and basketball games.

Publishers Weekly

Those interested in making plans for their own retirement years or concerned about a parent's retirement will find many of their questions answered here. The author writes the syndicated column "The Savvy Senior," which is published in 400 newspapers, and he bases his book on the thousands of questions he receives on social security issues, Medicare, estate and retirement planning, health issues, caregiving, grandparenting and more. Miller's writing style is a mixture of "just the facts, please" and light humor, allowing him to establish himself as a credible and knowledgeable expert. Numerous checklists, resources and charts make it easy to learn about such mundane topics as Medicare and living trusts, while "savvy notes" interspersed between paragraphs enlighten with odd factoids. Baby boomers caring for elderly parents will want to pay special attention to the section on avoiding telemarketing scams to seniors, who are the number one target for this type of criminal activity. And seniors on a fixed income will find the section on "Cost-Cutting Tips on Prescription Drugs" helpful as they learn how to apply for free prescription drugs from the pharmaceutical companies. (June 9) Forecast: The book's title will attract those familiar with Miller's column (it claims to have 18 million readers), and an appearance on The Today Show will tip off new readers. According to Miller, America's senior population will double over the next 25 years. Copyright 2004 Reed Business Information.

"A good, important column that is full of information and resources." (Patricia St. Louis, The Fountain Valley News, Fountain, Colorado)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Water Pure and Simple or Natural Choices for Attention Deficit Disorder

Water, Pure and Simple: The Infinite Wisdom of an Extraordinary Molecule

Author: Paolo Consigli

Water, Pure and Simple The Infinite Wisdom of an Extraordinary Molecule Paolo Consigli, MD There is no more important substance on earth than water, which makes up over 70% of both our bodies and our planet. This remarkable new resource for inner enlightenment allows us to discover and understand more about this most common of molecules by reconciling modern science with ancient wisdom. What makes water such an integral part of life? By going beyond simply describing its attributes and celebrating its physical properties, this study reveals water’s spiritual dimension. We learn about our own hypnotic attraction to the element’s purity and transparency, its bizarre physical behavior, and how water’s capacity to transfer data is at the root of its therapeutic properties. This innovative, intelligent and far-reaching exploration of our most fundamental natural resource will inspire everyone.

Includes information on:
• The role of water in the formation of the Universe
• How life is created out of water
• The relationship of water to the moon and the tides
• How water affects the meridians of acupuncture, the Shu points, and bodily energy
• Water and divination
• Aquatic Intelligences: intelligent behavior in dolphins
• Water as Medicine: hydroptherapy, mineral waters, and thalassotherapy

Interesting book: Healing Gourmet Eat to Lower Cholesterol or Blossoming Beauty

Natural Choices for Attention Deficit Disorder: For Adults and Children Who Want to Achieve Mental Clarity

Author: Jane Oelk

Offering alternative solutions for symptoms associated with attention deficit disorder, this self-treatment manual identifies a variety of homeopathic, nutritional, and psychological techniques for improving focus and thinking ability. Designed for all ages, this reference provides tips for identifying the best remedy for any given situation, simple tests for learning how to improve right- and left-brain function, and nutritional information on diet and supplements that can help reduce a stressful lifestyle. Complete explanations of these common remedies and directions on how to use them are included in an accompanying homeopathic symptom profile chart.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mientras Espera or The Complete Idiots Guide to Lowering Your Cholesterol

Mientras Espera (While Waiting)

Author: George E Verrilli

Guía para el embarazo y el parto

Totalmente revisado y actualizado-- El libro del que dependen millones de mujeres y el personal de salud para estar al tanto del embarazo y el parto.

¡Más de 3 millones de ejemplares vendidos!

Escrita por un obstetra y una madre: La información que usted necesita acerca del embarazo y el nacimiento de su bebé.

Esta edición totalmente revisada ofrece la información más reciente que usted debe saber acerca del embarazo y la atención prenatal, incluye:

* cómo cooperar con el personal de salud en cada etapa del embarazo y el parto
* signos de advertencia-- qué debe observar
* ejercicios útiles para mantenerse en forma, preparada para el parto
* sugerencias práticas para mantenerse cómoda a medida que su cuerpo cambia durante el embarazo
* recomendaciones fáciles de seguir para alimentarse debidamente
* preguntas que usted puede formular, para ayudarle a lograr un embarazo y parto satisfactorio
* explicación de términos y procedimientos médicos
* su cuidado personal después del nacimiento del bebé
* las investigaciones y datos más recientes acerca de muchos temas relacionados con el embarazo, entre ellos: la nutrición; el monitor fetal; riesgos en el trabajo y en el hogar; el alcohol, las drogas y el tabaco; la cesárea y el parto vaginal después de cesárea; el aborto; el alivio del dolor; su enlace con el bebé; las mujeres de edad media, el exceso de peso y las adolescentes.

El contenido del libroestá ordenado de una manera fácil de usar, con espacio en blanco para llevar cuenta de sus visitas médicas, anotaciones, preguntas y cualquier instrucción especial para su atención personal.

Publishers Weekly

A revised and updated edition of the widely distributed Spanish-language pregnancy guide. (Aug.)

Go to: Veal or Murder Etouffee

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Lowering Your Cholesterol

Author: Joseph Lee Klapper

An easy-to-follow, medically proven plan to lower cholesterol.

Cardiologist Joseph Lee Klapper, M.D., gives an in-depth yet accessible explanation of cholesterol levels-and explores ways to lower them. Weighing the pros and cons of a variety of approaches, including a holistic approach, Western medications, natural remedies, and new methods on the horizon, he then takes you step-by-step through a medically proven plan for shedding cholesterol points.
* Explores many contemporary heart-smart diets and provides sample menus
* Important information about exercise, risk factors, statins and other Western cholesterol lowering medications; herbs, supplements, and natural remedies; and antioxidants, gene therapy, and new drugs

Monday, February 16, 2009

Secrets of Self Healing or Menopause SourceBook

Secrets of Self-Healing: Harness Nature's Power to Heal Common Ailments, Boost Your Vitality, and Achieve Optimum Wellness

Author: Dr Maoshing Ni

A guide to natural healing that combines the wisdom of Eastern tradition with Western medicine and nutritional science.

Secrets of Self-Healing ranges from treating common ailments with healing foods and herbs to the all-round balancing of mind and body that is essential for vitality, wellness, and longevity.

In Part One, Dr. Mao explains that diet, exercise, self-awareness, a positive emotional life, living in harmony with the environment, and spiritual growth are crucial for vibrant, lasting health. He shows, for example, how simple self-assessments can help prevent disease, how negative emotions can make us ill, how clutter in our homes can create imbalances in our bodies, and how Eastern and Western medicine can work together to fight cancer.

Then, in Part Two, he reveals his favorite natural remedies for more than sixty-five common ailments, such as sore throat, dandruff, headaches, high blood pressure, sunburn, insect bites, indigestion, and jet lag.

Inspirational and practical, Secrets of Self-Healing will put readers on the path to a balanced and healthy life.

New interesting book: Organisationsentwurf: Eine Schrittweise Annäherung

Menopause SourceBook

Author: Gretchen Henkel

Don't be overwhelmed by the bombardment of information about menopause. Whether you're premenopausal or actually in menopause, it's possible to have all the pertinent facts and be aware of all the issues that surround this controversial topic. How do you accomplish this? By using The Menopause Sourcebook as your survival guide to this important part of your life. Within these pages you will find the information that you need to actively and successfully participate in your health care during menopause. Hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood swings, and weight gain are all signs that your body is going through menopause. The Menopause Sourcebook demystifies this time of change by explaining what is happening with your body and what your options are for dealing with and treating these symptoms. From the conventional treatments of estrogen and progesterone supplementation to the alternative approaches of acupuncture, Chinese medicine, homeopathy and herbal remedies, this book helps you to make sense out of all your choices. Gretchen Henkel, the author of Making the Estrogen Decision, emphasizes that women who take charge, and actively participate in their health care during their menopausal years tend to do the best. Your first task is to find a health partner during this transitional time, someone with whom you can consult and use as a source of current medical information. This book provides guidelines to help find the right professional for you and your comfort level. Preparing your body for menopause will help to make the transition less traumatic. Proper exercise, diet, and state of mind can help offset the symptoms of menopause. Ms. Henkel offers guidelines and resources to make sure you approach this stage of your life from a position of strength. Whether it's information about sex, osteoporosis, heart disease, or just dealing with the stress of going through menopause, you'll find up-to-date information and advice in The Menopause Sourcebook. Each chapter has

Table of Contents:
Ch. 1Information Gathering1
Menopause at This Point in History2
Must I Deal with Menopause?6
Ch. 2The Before-Menopause Checkup15
Bones, Calcium, and Exercise: Do You Have the Right Prescription?18
Heart, Blood Vessels, and Estrogen21
Don't Forget Breast Health27
Let's Talk About Weight30
Adjusting Image to Reality33
Good Health and Your Comfort Level35
Ch. 3Is This It? The Signs and Symptoms of Menopause38
How to View Your Symptoms39
Menopausal and Perimenopausal Symptoms43
Keeping Track48
A Plan of Action50
Ch. 4The Physicality of Menopause: Managing Your Symptoms53
Where Women Obtain Information56
Take the Commonsense Approach57
The Estrogen Question63
Alternative Approaches70
Making Sense of It All76
Ch. 5Sex During and After Menopause81
Does Menopause Spell the End of Desire?83
The Physiology of Sexual Changes87
The Totality of Sexuality89
Getting Help for You and Your Partner94
Ch. 6Menopause and Beyond: Should You Be Worried?97
Concern vs. Worry98
Heart Disease: Be on the Alert100
Your Bones: Constantly Changing108
Urogenital Health116
Ch. 7The Body/Mind Connection: Menopause and Emotional Stress120
How Women Feel About Menopause122
Emotions and Stress During Menopause123
Steps You Can Take130
Ch. 8Integrating Change and Exploring Opportunity136
Menopause as Passage137
Tackling the Tasks of Growing Older138
Finding Your Path139
Appendix A Calcium-Rich Foods142
Appendix B Comparison of Calcium Supplements145
Appendix C Dietary Recommendations for Health147
Appendix C-1: American Heart Association Diet147
Appendix C-2: Eating to Reduce Cancer Risk150
Appendix D Height and Weight Tables152

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Divination and Healing or New Diabetic Cookbook

Divination and Healing: Potent Vision

Author: Michael Winkelman

Divination is an important feature of cultures all over the world. While some may still question the efficacy of divination systems, they continue to serve their communities by diagnosing ailments, prescribing healing treatments, and solving problems. Yet despite their universality, there are relatively few comprehensive studies of divination systems. This volume seeks to fill this gap regarding the use of divination in healing. Here some of the world's leading authorities draw on their own fieldwork and participation in ritual to present detailed case studies, demonstrating that divination rituals can have therapeutic effects. As the contributors examine the systems of knowledge that divination articulates and survey the varieties of divinatory experience, they seek to analyze divination as an epistemological system, as a social process, and as a therapeutic endeavor. While some of their findings reinforce traditional assumptions about the importance of social control, spirit relations, and community support in the divination process, the authors place these considerations within new epistemological frameworks that emphasize the use of alternative modes of knowing. In this wide-ranging volume, readers will find coverage of classic Ifa systems; Buddhist-influenced shamanic practices in the former Soviet Union; the reconciliation of Muslim beliefs and divinatory practices in Thailand; Native American divination used in diagnosis; Maya calendrical divination in Guatemala; mediumistic and chicken oracle divination among the Sukuma of Tanzania; Ndembu divination, focusing on the process of collective healing; and divination among the Samburu (Maasai) of Kenya, featuring dialoguesfrom actual healing sessions. Together, these contributions argue for new perspectives on the study of divination that emphasize not only the epistemological roots of these systems but also their multifaceted therapeutic functions. Divination and Healing is a rich source of both data and insight for scholars of ritual, religion, medical anthropology, and the psychology of altered states of consciousness.

See also: A General Speaks Out or Every Man A Tiger

New Diabetic Cookbook

Author: Mabel Cavaiani

Having diabetes doesn't mean having to say good-bye to tasty meals and hello to a lifetime of eating bland food. The New Diabetic Cookbook is full of delicious recipes that are tailored to your special nutritional needs. These recipes are full of fiber and low in cholesterol, salt, sugar, and saturated fat, yet not short on taste. This fifth edition has been updated with the most recent food exchange lists from the American Diabetes Association, greatly expanded nutrition tables, and concise information on saturated fat, fiber, and cholesterol. The New Diabetic Cookbook also provides tips on meal planning, canning, and freezing. Bestselling author Mabel Cavaiani has added a new chapter explaining how you can prepare your own mixes for a quick, healthy batch of cupcakes, cookies, cakes, or bread, all safe for a diabetic diet. With all of its tasty recipes and invaluable information, The New Diabetic Cookbook is a must-have for your kitchen library.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Healing Power of Essential Oils or Top 100 Recipes for Diabetics

Healing Power of Essential Oils: Fragrance Secrets of Everyday Use This Handbookis a Compact Reference Work on the Effects and Application of 248 Essemntial Oils for Health, Fitness, and Well Being.

Author: Rodolphe Balz

Essential oils - fragrant essences for health and well-being, are among the most popular natural remedies today. The heart of this book contains an index of essential oils and their many properties. More than 200 essential oils are described in precise detail here, followed by a particularly comprehensive therapeutic index which makes it easier to put them to practical use.

Interesting book: The Measurement of Productive Efficiency Techniques and Applications or Food and Beverage Service

Top 100 Recipes for Diabetics

Author: Dorothy J Kaplan

Features easy-to-prepare, nutritionally-sound recipes for diabetics.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Addiction and Recovery in Gay and Lesbian Persons or Encyclopedia of Health and Behavior

Addiction and Recovery in Gay and Lesbian Persons

Author: Robert J Kus

This book provides chemical dependency clinicians a sampling of the work being done in the fields of gay and lesbian chemical dependency to enable clinicians to provide better care for their gay and lesbian clients.

After an overview of 7 research studies which examine the incidence of alcoholism and/or chemical dependency in gay and lesbian persons, the contributing authors explore the special concerns of recovering gay and lesbian addicts.

Chapters focus not only on issues in the fields of gay and lesbian chemical dependency but how clinicians can use this knowledge to better care for their gay and lesbian clients.

Readers will find new information on:

  • working with HIV positive persons
  • homophobia as a critical root in chemically dependent gays and lesbians
  • positive changes for dysfunctional relationships common with gays and lesbians
  • spirituality in gay and lesbian communities
  • the special needs of the rural gay/lesbian client
  • gay men’s groups in AA
  • a retrospective of NALGAP
  • resources and referrals for chemically dependent gay and lesbian persons

    Addiction and Recovery in Gay and Lesbian Persons assists social workers and other helping professionals working with chemically dependent clients learn more about how to adequately treat them. Gay and lesbian persons recovering from a chemical addiction will also find this book enlightening.


Also published as Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, v.2, no.1, 1995. Contains eight papers examining the special concerns of recovering gay and lesbian addicts. Topics include working with HIV positive persons; homophobia as a critical root in chemically dependent gays and lesbians; and the special needs of the rural gay/lesbian client. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Table of Contents:
Alcoholism and Drug Abuse in Gay and Lesbian Persons: A Review of Incidence Studies5
Chemical Dependency and HIV Infection15
Homophobia: The Heart of the Darkness29
Dysfunctional Relationship Patterns: Positive Changes for Gay and Lesbian People41
Spirituality and the Gay Community57
Special Interest Groups in Alcoholics Anonymous: A Focus on Gay Men's Groups67
The National Association of Lesbian and Gay Alcoholism Professionals (NALGAP): A Retrospective83
Referrals and Resources for Chemically Dependent Gay and Lesbian Clients91

Interesting book: An Introduction to e Business or Big Basics Book of Windows 98

Encyclopedia of Health and Behavior

Author: Norman B Anderson

Click 'Additional Materials' for downloadable samples

"This work fills a niche and does so very well. Academic and large public libraries that are growing reference collections in the fields of psychology, epidemiology and public health, sociology, nursing, medicine, and anthropology will want to add this to their shelves."

"A comprehensive treatment of the subject. Recommended for medium to large academic and medical libraries and large public libraries."

"The encyclopedic title of Anderson's fine work signals its comprehensiveness and usefulness as a handbook for the discipline. . . . This encyclopedia's expert authors cover the key theories, ideas, and factors, that link psychology and health. An excellent organization facilitates multiple entry points. Highly recommended."

The current level of popular interest in health and behavior reinforces the urgent need for better information so practitioners, academics, and the public can perform research and make lifestyle choices based on sound science. From adherence to a doctor's advice, to emotions and health, to obesity treatment and prevention, to women's health and all topics in between, the Encyclopedia of Health and Behavior comprehensively covers all aspects of what has become the dynamic domain of behavioral medicine.

This encyclopedia was designed with the overarching goal to collect together in a single resource the knowledge generated by this interdisciplinary field, highlighting the links between science and practice. In it, scholars, health care practitioners and the general public will find awealth of information on topics such as physical activity, stress and health, smoking, pain management, social support and health, cardiovascular health, health promotion, and HIV/AIDS.

This two-volume set includes more than 200 entries on topics covering all aspects of health and behavior. In addition, the Encyclopedia of Health and Behavior includes a comprehensive set of additional resources with entries on selected organizations and an appendix with a detailed annotated listing of such organizations as well as Web sites of interest.

Key Features

- More than 200 entries organized A to Z

- Reader's Guide groups entries by broad topic areas for easy browsing

- Comprehensive index

- Cross-references between and among entries

- Six Associate Editors, six Senior Advisors, and more than 300 contributors provide expertise in all aspects of health psychology and behavioral medicine

- Appendices providing a comprehensive reference list and annotated listings of organizations and online resources on health and behavior

Senior Advisors

Joel E. Dimsdale, University of California, San Diego

C. Tracey Orleans, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Sherman James, University of Michigan

Dr. Neil Schneiderman, University of Miami

Lisa Berkman, Harvard School of Public Health

William Gerin, Mount Sinai School of Medicine

Associate Editors

Dr. Robert M. Kaplan, University of California, San Diego

Dr. Shiriki K. Kumanyika, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

Dr. Peter Salovey, Yale University

Dr. Ichiro Kawachi, Harvard School of Public Health

Dr. Jacqueline Dunbar-Jacob, University of Pittsburgh

Dr. Margaret E. Kemeny, University of California, Los Angeles

Library Journal

Since the 1980s, health and behavior research has focused on the interaction of "behavioral, psychological, emotional, social, cultural, and biological factors with physical outcomes." Current reference and consumer health books (e.g., Encyclopedia of Public Health, Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine) focus on only some of the above. Anderson (Emotional Longevity) has compiled about 200 articles that introduce American biobehavioral medicine, policies, and practice largely through individual scientific reviews. The result is a collection of "snapshots" of current biomedical thought in behavioral medicine. Arranged alphabetically by topic, the articles are also categorized by broad subjects, listed in a reader's guide. A third of them focus on specific risk and protection factors (e.g., asthma, cancer, happiness). Others cover basic process, theory and methods (e.g., health beliefs and self-efficacy), assessment and treatment (e.g., behavior analysis, health care costs), biopsychosocial interactions (e.g., anger measurement and exhaustion), and health promotion/disease prevention (e.g., complementary medicine and violence prevention). Most essays include research summaries, hypotheses (often conflicting), suggestions for further study, and reading lists. The 280 authors are listed with affiliations but not credentials. Bottom Line Although entries on risk behavior, individual development, environmentally induced gene expression, and general research methodologies are lacking, this is otherwise a comprehensive treatment of the subject. Recommended for medium to large academic and medical libraries and large public libraries.-Janice Flahiff, Medical Coll. Lib. of Ohio, Toledo Copyright 2004 Reed Business Information.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Omega 3 Fatty Acids a Medical Dictionary Bibliography and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References or How to Shop with Mary Queen of Shops

Omega-3 Fatty Acids - a Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

Author: Icon Health Publications

This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to omega-3 fatty acids. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to omega-3 fatty acids.If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Studies on Omega-3 Fatty Acids
The Combined Health Information Database
Federally Funded Research on Omega-3 Fatty Acids
E-Journals: PubMed Central
The National Library of Medicine: PubMed
Chapter 2. Nutrition and Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Finding Nutrition Studies on Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Federal Resources on Nutrition
Additional Web Resources
Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Omega-3 Fatty Acids
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Additional Web Resources
General References
Chapter 4. Dissertations on Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Dissertations on Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Keeping Current
Chapter 5. Patents on Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Patents on Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Patent Applications on Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Keeping Current
Chapter 6. Books on Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Book Summaries: Federal Agencies
Chapters on Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Chapter 7. Multimedia on Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Video Recordings
Chapter 8. Periodicals and News on Omega-3 Fatty Acids
News Services and Press Releases
Newsletter Articles
Academic Periodicals covering Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Appendix A. Physician Resources
NIH Guidelines
NIH Databases
Other Commercial Databases
Appendix B. Patient Resources
Patient Guideline Sources
Finding Associations
Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries
Finding a Local Medical Library
Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada
Online Dictionary Directories

Look this: International Finance or Big Problem of Small Change

How to Shop with Mary, Queen of Shops

Author: Mary Portas

Mary Portas turned Harvey Nichols from a place you went to get your tiara polished into a modern powerhouse of fashion and style. Here she looks at shopping from the consumer’s point of view, providing the ultimate insider’s guide to getting the most out of shops.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Natural Alternatives to Vioxx Celebrex and Other Anti Inflammatory Prescription Drugs or Reproductive Health

Natural Alternatives to Vioxx, Celebrex and Other Anti-Inflammatory Prescription Drugs: What to Use to Help Relieve Arthritis Pain and Inflammation

Author: Carol N Simontacchi

Beyond today's headlines and pharmaceutical spin is an underlying truth--COX-2 inhibitor drugs can be extremely dangerous to your health. While this class of drugs does relieve pain and inflammation, the potential for heart attack and stroke has proven too great a risk for many. For those who are now looking for other options, health expert Carol Simontacchi has put together a simple guide to using safer natural alternatives. Written in easy-to-understand language, here is a book that provides solid information about nature's most effective treatments.

The book begins by examining the causes of arthritis pain and inflammation. It looks first at the pharmaceutical approach to dealing with this condition, and then at the holistic approach. This is followed by a concise discussion of the most effective natural supplements available, including curcumin, cat's claw, fish oil, ginger root, glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, and SierraSil. Each supplement is examined for its method of action, scientific documentation, and proper dosage. Important information is included on identifying the best natural products.

Clearly, there is a place for drugs, but becoming a human guinea pig should not be part of the equation. Although natural product companies may not have the advertising dollars enjoyed by the pharmaceutical industry, the beneficial effects of natural remedies should not be overlooked. Natural Alternatives to Vioxx, Celebrex & Other Anti-Inflammatory Prescription Drugs provides a vital resource for those looking for a safer solution.

Book review: Soups and Stews or First Impressions

Reproductive Health: Women and Men's Shared Responsibility

Author: Barbara Anderson

This text approaches women's and men's health in a balanced, interactive approach by presenting case studies that link program and policy issues to practical experiences. This text also addresses: global action and advocacy, sexuality, family decisions, factors undermining reproductive health, and controversial contemporary issues.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Child Magazines Guide to Eating or Understanding Menopause

Child Magazines Guide to Eating

Author: Ann E Laforg

All parents want to give their child the best to grow on. But good intentions can go awry when food becomes part of the parent-child struggle for control. While most eating problems are a normal part of development, there are solutions fo revery phase of your child's changing relationship with food. Child Magazine's Guide to Eating offers easy, realistic strategies and optimistic approaches to help you: * Know your child's nutritional needs -- and maintain age-appropriate expectations * Teach the basics of healthful eating * Cope with a picky eater * Deal with the temptation of junk food * Recognize symptoms of food allergies and other medical problems Filled with reassuring anecdotes and helpful dialogues, this is an essential guide to feeding kids wisely and well -- and establishing healthy patterns they will carry with them for life.

New interesting textbook: Como Cumplir con la Sección 404 Sarbanes-Oxley:Evaluación de la Eficacia de Control Interno

Understanding Menopause (Understanding Illness & Health Series)

Author: Karen Ballard

"A clear, balanced, and up-to-date guide to dealing with issues arising from the menopause - it couldn't have come at a better time."
Dr Mark Porter, Practising GP, well known Writer and Broadcaster
As the variety of treatments to alleviate the physical and psychological symptoms of menopause continues to expand, doctors are encouraging women to take an active role in choosing treatment options for themselves.
Understanding Menopause will help you to make these decisions by providing clear, unbiased information about all aspects of menopause, as well as first-person accounts by women of their psychological and sociological menopausal experiences.
Written by an expert in women's health, this reader-friendly guide bridges the gap between medical knowledge and everyday life to help you cope with the menopause both physically and mentally.

• Features women's accounts of what the menopause actually feels like
• Includes the most up-to-date information on the results of the recent high-profile study into the risks of heart disease and stroke amongst women who have taken HRT
• Written in an easy-to-understand style by an expert on women's health

Karen Ballard is a medical sociologist with a particular interest in women's health issues. She has carried out extensive research into women's experiences of the menopause and their use of hormone replacement therapy. She is an academic at King's College London, where she works in the department of General Practice and Primary Care.

Table of Contents:
About the Author.



Chapter One. Biological Changes During the Menopause.

Chapter Two. Experiencing Symptoms During the Menopause.

Chapter Three. Treatments for Heavy Bleeding.

Chapter Four. The 'Change of Life'.

Chapter Five. Keeping Healthy After the Menopause.

Chapter Six. Changes in the Menopause Over Time.

Chapter Seven. Non-Hormonal Therapies for the Menopause.

Chapter Eight. Hormonal Treatments for the Menopause.

Chapter Nine. Contraception After the Age of 40.

Chapter Ten. The Future.

Useful Addresses.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Enlightened Eaters Whole Foods Guide or Pelvic Dysfunction in Men

Enlightened Eater's Whole Foods Guide: Harvest the Power of Phyto Foods

Author: Rosie Schwartz

We all know how important it is to eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of vitamins and minerals. But most of us know very little about an important group of substances known as phytochemicals-the compounds in plants that give them their colour, flavour and even aroma-and the latest research indicates they are capable of much, much more when integrated into our everyday diets. When consumed correctly, phytochemicals may reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis and many other common yet serious ailments. Rosie Schwartz, one of Canada's best-known nutritionists and a registered dietitian, first explains the nutritional science behind phytochemicals, then goes on to discuss how we can best incorporate "phyto foods" into our daily diet.

New interesting textbook: Leadership Clairs

Pelvic Dysfunction in Men: Diagnosis and Treatment of Male Incontinence and Erectile Dysfunction

Author: Grace Dorey

Following on from the first book entitled ‘Conservative treatment of Male Urinary Incontinence and Erectile Dysfunction’ this book has been expanded to include seven new chapters and existing chapters have been extensively updated. It is written primarily for those specialist continence physiotherapists who are unsure of the treatment for male patients with lower urinary tract symptoms.

The classification of male urinary incontinence has been restructured in line with the International Continence Society standardisation of terminology. The subjective and objective physiotherapy assessment is covered chronologically, to enable the clinician to conduct a meaningful investigation and arrive at a logical diagnosis.

Doody Review Services

Reviewer: Martin I Resnick, M.D.(University Hospitals of Cleveland)
Description: This book addresses a common problem that has only recently been recognized as a clinical entity. Previously many men with incontinence and erectile dysfunction were considered to have prostatic enlargement or infection and the entity of pelvic floor dysfunction has been recognized as being contributory to their complaints. A previous book by the author entitled Conservative Treatment of Urinary Incontinence and Erectile Dysfunction was published in 2001 (Whurr Publishers).
Purpose: The purpose is to provide information to healthcare providers who are treating men with lower urinary tract symptoms. This information is important for it addresses a common problem that has only recently become recognized as contributory to a symptom complex that typically was attributed to prostatic enlargement or infection. The book has met the author's objectives.
Audience: Although it is written for specialist continence physiotherapists caring for these patients, the book should be of value to other healthcare providers including urologists, nurses, residents, and nurses in training and medical students.
Features: The book reviews the anatomy and physiology of the male pelvic floor and addresses the symptom complex of those men with pelvic floor dysfunction. Patient assessment and appropriate treatment options are also reviewed which include conservative therapy, surgical intervention, and the use of appropriate medication. Fecal incontinence and sexual dysfunction are also discussed and the management of these problems addressed as well.This book reviews an important topic. Better illustrations would have been welcome.
Assessment: This is a welcome addition to the field and should be of interest to a wide variety of healthcare providers who care for these patients. It is becoming increasingly recognized that the topic is an important one and the symptom complex affects many men. A better understanding of the problem allows for a better patient evaluation which naturally leads to more appropriate therapy.

Table of Contents:
1History of the male pelvic floor1
2Lower urinary tract symptoms9
3Anatomy and physiology of the lower urinary tract15
4Nervous control of lower urinary tract function29
5Prostate conditions and their treatment37
6Urinary incontinence43
7Pelvic pain in men53
8Patient assessment63
9Conservative treatment75
10Literature review of treatment before and after prostatectomy101
11Treatment of post-prostatectomy patients113
13Faecal incontinence133
14Male sexual dysfunction145
15Treatment of male sexual dysfunction161
16Setting up a continence service177
AppMale continence assessment form189

Friday, February 6, 2009

Truth Body Solutions or The Action Hero Body

Truth Body Solutions: Truthful Nutritional Strategies for a Better Body and a Better Life

Author: Frank Sep

In his new book TRUTH Body Solutions, Frank Sepe provides easy, nutritionally sound, common-sense eating strategies that not only are easy to follow, but will help you lose the excess weight forever without pills or gimmicks. Frank doesn’t believe in the latest fad diet, but would rather provide you with the nutritional information his clients pay thousands of dollars to learn. There are also separate chapters for those of you who need to actually gain a few pounds in a safe way. Frank also focuses on muscle building, with a concrete plan for both women and men to melt off fat and replace it with calorie-burning muscle. There will be a system for those who want the type of sculptured physique that you see on top Hollywood stars and in magazines. This book includes an exercise CD to meet all of your workout needs. It will be like inviting Frank into your personal workout area every single day. The CD is for all fitness levels, and you’ll be able to tailor a plan to your needs with the combination of it and the book.

Go to: NYPD or Friction

The Action Hero Body: The Complete Workout Secrets from Hollywood's Top Trainer

Author: Jorgen de Mey

Trainer to the stars Jørgen de Mey reveals the unique program he has used to transform the bodies of action-hero film stars Angelina Jolie, Ben Affleck, and many other superstars

When movie producer Jerry Bruckheimer needs an actor to get physically prepared for a role in one of his adventure films (Black Hawk Down, Armageddon, Pearl Harbor) the first thing he does is call Jørgen de Mey. The results de Mey produces in a short amount of time are astonishing. Now this legendary trainer--convinced that his "action-reaction" method of nutrition and physical training can help any healthy person reach his or her personal best--details a three-stage workout that in just 3 weeks will start to show positive changes: more endurance, increased strength, weight loss, signs of a more muscular body, and better cardiovascular output. De Mey's unique sequencing of workouts combined with his focus on "clean" foods and a special, protein-rich diet will have readers action hero fit with a blockbuster body in no time.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Reclaiming the Body or Tibetan Healing

Reclaiming the Body: Christians and the Faithful Use of Modern Medicine

Author: Joel Shuman

We live in an age of incredible medical technology, and with it, a great emphasis on health and well-being. We fully entrust the care of our bodies to the medical profession, often taking its solutions and judgments as gospel. But what role, if any, should our Christian faith play in all this?

In Reclaiming the Body, a physician and a theologian take a critical look at some of the assumptions we draw from the medical profession and explore what theology has to say about medicine, our bodies, our health, and the Body of Christ. The authors deal with such issues as suffering, caring for the sick, children and reproductive technologies, medicine and the poor, our obsession with physical perfection, and death and dying.

Publishers Weekly

Shuman, an ethicist, and Volck, a pediatrician, are on a mission to persuade Christians to stop worshiping the medical establishment and to start "using medicine as if God mattered." It is easy to put medicine in the place that only God should occupy: "The medical project of controlling life and defeating death is attractive... because a denial of our own mortalities and a desire to be in control is very near the center of our own disordered desires." Christian theology, however, teaches that "because we come from God, belong to God, and are destined finally to return to God, we need not fight without restraint to control all the circumstances of our existence, or to preserve our lives as they near their end." As they develop this theme through literature, contemporary stories and theological reflection, the authors affirm the goodness of the human body, the importance of the church as the gathered body of Christ and the necessity of hospitality toward the world's helpless and suffering. Brilliantly reasoned and artfully written, this quotable book should reach well beyond its obvious market of medical and spiritual caregivers to engage anyone concerned about human values in a technological age. (Feb.) Copyright 2005 Reed Business Information.

New interesting textbook: Comptabilité Financière

Tibetan Healing: The Modern Legacy of Medicine Buddha

Author: Fenton

Lavishly illustrated, this first-hand account details Tibetan medicine making and holistic healing methods perfected over centuries to achieve complete well-being.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hierbas de la madre naturaleza or The Food Mood Body Connection

Hierbas de la madre naturaleza

Author: Judith Griffin

Hierbas de la Madre Naturaleza es una verdadera mezcla entre la mitología, el conocimiento popular, las recetas medicinales y culinarias plasmadas en un mosaico de culturas pasadas y presentes. Usted es el invitado en la cocina de la Madre Naturaleza, ya sea en China, en el Mediterráneo, en América del Sur o del Norte o en Africa. Saboree el delicado bouquet de un copa de vino de diente de león, mientras prueba un delicioso pastel cassava tradicional Maya. O simplemente siéntese y relájese mientras el tenaceto que plantó ahuyenta los mosquitos dentro de su hogar.

Author Biography: Judy Griffin, Ph.D., is a renowned teacher, counselor, author, and lecturer. She has traveled and researched indigenous cultures for 20 years to study their foods, herbs, and medicine. Judy has authored several books on nutrition, herbs, diet, organic gardening, aromatherapy, and flower essences.

Book about: Victim of Love or Lose Weight the Smart Low Carb Way

The Food-Mood-Body Connection: Nutrition-Based and Environmental Approaches to Mental Health and Physical Wellbeing

Author: Gary Null

Many conditions that are generally believed to be purely mental disorders are actually caused by vitamin deficiencies, food allergies, hormonal imbalances, and environmental factors. In this book, the best-selling health and fitness expert who has been called "Mr. Natural" by Time magazine presents nutrition-based treatments for the underlying biochemical imbalances that cause many of today's mental problems.

Publishers Weekly

The host of the syndicated daily health radio program Natural Living with Gary Null here takes on the current epidemic of mental-health problems in the U.S. and shows that many of these disorders can be remedied more effectively, faster and much less expensively with natural means than with traditional approaches. Null (Gary Null's Ultimate Anti-Aging Program), a longtime champion of alternative health care, makes a good case for looking at the nutritional and environmental factors that may be causing such chronic conditions as depression, alcoholism, Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia and eating disorders. Tapping more than 50 physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists and holistic doctors, Null presents research, case studies and opinions that support his claim that most mental and emotional conditions can be helped, and often cured, by treating biochemical imbalances. For those who have had lifelong battles with depression, eating disorders and schizophrenia and been given little hope for recovery, the news that, for example, administration of liquid zinc has cured people of anorexia within a few months will be most welcome. Null reports that more than 500,000 children are on antidepressants and that rates of schizophrenia are rising; his book is sure to find a big audience among those (including families) affected by these conditions. (Oct.) Copyright 2000 Cahners Business Information.

Table of Contents:
Author's Preface7
Nutritional and Environmental Influences on Mental States15
Food Allerigies19
Heavy Metal Toxicity22
Chemicals and Other Environmental Factors Contributing to Mental Conditions32
What We're Up Against: The Political and Social Dimensions of Nutrition and Mental Health40
The Promise of Vitamin Therapy (Orthomolecular) Psychiatry52
I.Disorders of Mood or Behavior
Drug and Alcohol Addiction63
Food Addiction74
2.Alzheimer's Disease77
3.Anxiety Disorders and Panic Attacks89
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders96
4.Eating Disorders101
5.Depression (Unipolar Disorder)115
Depression and Tobacco134
Effect of Exercise, Nutrition, and Lifestyle on Depression135
6.Manic Depression (Bipolar Disorder)141
Schizophrenia and Alcoholism155
9.Thinking Disorders171
10.Tardive Dyskinesia175
11.Building Better Brains179
II.Disorders In Children
13.Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity205
15.Behavioral Disorders235
16.Chronic Depression243
17.Food Allergies247
III.Organic Conditions Commonly Misdiagnosed As Mental Disease
18.Blood Sugar Instability (Hypoglycemia)263
20.Chronic Fatigue285
21.Hormone Imbalance303
22.Nutrient Imbalances in the Body and Brain309
23.Premenstrual Syndrome315
24.Thyroid Disorders319
Appendix AResources333
Biographies & Addresses of Practitioners333
Clinical Studies345
Environmental Causes of Mental Disease--A Bibliography412
Useful Books414
Appendix BThe Dangers of Prozac419
Appendix CAutism: Is There a Vaccine Connection?437

Monday, February 2, 2009

Aging with Attitude or When the Man You Love is Ill

Aging with Attitude: Growing Older with Dignity and Vitality

Author: Robert Levin

The Rolling Stones (now in their 60s) have sung to us for years about "what a drag it is getting old," but it doesn't have to be that way. Despite living in a youth-oriented society, many of the aged patients seen by Dr. Levine have kept their emotional zest, intellectual zeal, and empowering dignity. Levine points to well-known public figures clearly aging with dignity and vitality. And this neurologist author shows steps we can take to age while retaining these qualities in defiance of a society that challenges this quest. Living longer is not enough for most of us; we don't want to just survive. The quality of our life as we age is most important, and much of that depends on our attitudes and approach. This text includes strategies to optimize self-esteem as well as health, including attention to nutrition, exercise, health care, education, mind stimulation, sexuality, social activities, and cosmetics and cosmetic surgery.

Interesting book: Fundamentals of Taxation with TaxACT 2006 Deluxe or Check It out

When the Man You Love is Ill: Doing Your Best for Your Partner without Losing Yourself

Author: Dorree Lynn

When the Man You Love is Ill is a woman's guide to living with a partner facing a medical crisis or chronic illness. How do you understand the male psyche? How do you manage your own feelings of fear and guilt? How do you deal with the loss and keep the family stable? This book helps to heal the relationship with their partners or spouses.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Spinning Straw into Gold or Stop Smoking

Spinning Straw into Gold: Your Emotional Recovery from Breast Cancer

Author: Ronnie Kay

In this compassionate guide, Ronnie Kaye answers many questions. Sharing her own expertise and the encouraging stories of her hundreds of clients, she provides women in need with an uplifting program for transforming a devastating crisis into an opportunity for growth and victory.

New interesting textbook: Design to Sell Using Microsoft Publisher to Inform Motivate and Persuade or Visio 2007 Bible

Stop Smoking!

Author: HarperCollins

Giving up smoking is one of the hardest things to do.

This handy-sized book contains all the information you need to find a method that works for you.

This guide explains the many different techniques for giving up—from simple willpower (and ways to strengthen it) through Allen Carr's Easy Way to Tibetan breathing exercises and the Quit Smoking Diet. Each method is explained simply and clearly, allowing you to see whether it might work for you. It also allows you to combine methods.

There are also tips for staying on track and advice for creating an all-round healthy lifestyle where cigarettes are just a distant memory.